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Euonymus planipes

Euonymus planipes - dingle dangle tree

Euonymus planipes ©jr


The Euonymus-genus includes several beautiful species. To many, the dingle dangle tree is one of the best. Compared with its European relation, the common spindle tree (E. europaeus), this species is larger and more open in habit, with larger leaves. It also differs in its drooping branches and larger seed pods. In autumn colour it competes in beauty with the winged spindle (E. alatus).

At Mustila this Far Eastern beauty brightens Alppiruusulaakso (Rhododendron Valley) with handsome fruit and brilliant leaf colours in autumn, from pink to shades of red in the sun, but remaining white on shaded branches. In spring this is one of the first plants in leaf. The dingle dangle tree enjoys rich, shady spots to the extent that it regenerates spontaneously from seed, in places abundantly.


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