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Euonymus macropterus

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E. macropterus, is native to eastern Asia and came to Mustila from Sakhalin Island. It differs from the other spindle species at the Arboretum in its strong branches, large buds, and particularly large fruits. The first bright green shoots appear early in spring. The dangling seed cases which develop in late summer open lantern-like or propeller-shaped to release the orange-coated seeds.

The spindle (Euonymus) genus includes over 100 species, most of them native to Asia. Many are showy ornamentals suited to a wide range of sites; the biggest barrier to their more general use has probably been that they are poisonous. While it is true that eating large amounts of any of the parts of these plants will cause symptoms of poisoning to both humans and animals, on the other hand their unpleasant smell and taste aren’t really tempting.