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Aristolochia manshuriensis - Manchurian or Chinese pipevine


The East Asian equivalent of the American Dutchman’s pipe (or pipevine, A. macrophylla) has only recently been grown in Finland. If you find the rich foliage of the American species attractive, then you’ll find the even larger-leafed Asian species an interesting alternative. The two species also differ in flower colour: the pipe-shaped flowers of the Asian species are yellow-green, but the American’s are red-brown. However in both cases they are mainly hidden by the foliage. Both species are excellent for covering pergolas, arches or gateways as long as the landscape isn’t too open.

A provenance of Korean origin has been grown in Sweden and been awarded elite plant status there, being considered hardier than the American species. The young vines growing in Alppiruusulaakso (Rhododendron Valley) are from the Vladivostok area on the Pacific coast and may be less hardy than the Korean mountain provenance.


Aristolochia macrophylla - Dutchman’s pipe, or pipevine



About halfway along the path down Pähkinärinne (Hazelnut Slope) there is a Dutchman’s pipe vine climbing to over 10 metres up the trunk of a pine tree, the only vine at Mustila which brings to mind the rope-like lianas of the tropics.

The pipevine is a hardy climber which thrives in shade, and is quite happy climbing walls, gateposts or tree trunks. After a slow start it climbs rapidly to several metres.

The leaves are large, dark green and heart-shaped. They flush late in spring and sometimes fall to frosts in autumn before taking on full colour. The unusual pipe-shaped flowers and small fruit often remain unnoticed among the foliage.


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