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Corylus colurna

Corylus colurna - Turkish hazel

In total contrast to the native Finnish hazel (Corylus avellana), the Turkish hazel grows into a large single-stemmed tree with a regular conical crown. The beautiful bark is corky also on branches, though these are hidden in summer by the dense attractive foliage. The small edible nuts ripen in autumn in bunches of 3-8, each embedded within its own narrow-lobed husk.

Turkish hazel is native to south-east Europe and western Asia, where it grows on rich moist soil in shady mixed forest as well as in mountains above 1000m. Being resistant to urban pollution, it is used as a street tree in central Europe and North America. It also seems to thrive in south-west Finland, and even at Mustila seems to be growing quite happily after some early difficulties.


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