Nannyberry is an erect deciduous shrub which can grow into a small tree of about 6m in its native habitat. Two different provenances from Arboretum expeditions have been planted at Mustila, one developing tree-like form, the other remaining low and shrubby.
The oval, toothed leaves are shiny above and turn a beautiful orange-red in autumn. The mildly-scented white flowers appear in June, later producing berries which change from their first greenish through a variety of shades to blue-black. They are eaten by birds and can also be used by humans, hence one of the common names, sweet viburnum.
Nannyberry is one of the northernmost of the viburnums in North America, stretching well into Canada. In Finland it grows successfully at least into the Finnish zone IV, and probably further north. It is both attractive and adaptable to a variety of sites.