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Juniperus horizontalis - creeping juniper

Creeping juniper grows naturally over a large area of northern North America, from Newfoundland to near the Arctic Ocean, on rocky shores, in the mountains, in nutrient-poor forests and on bogs. It is hardy to heat and cold, enjoys full sun but also tolerates a degree of shade.

Creeping juniper grows in low ground-covering thickets and its long snakily twisting stems take root easily. It has both needle-like young leaves and soft scale-like mature leaves, varying in shade from dark green to blue-green. The species is usually dioecious, i.e. the male and female flowers are on separate plants; the berry-like cones of the female plants are dark blue.

Creeping juniper is a very popular ornamental due to its low habit. Previously, individual plants were selected direct from the wild for their attractive colour or habit. Nowadays an enormous number of varieties are in production.